It all starts with a phone call. In the community I am well known as the IMP Guy, so when
people find imps or see them, inevitably I end up getting told about it. This imp was a lead I followed up on.
The owner owned a motel in another town and said the car was in the paddock. The car had a tarp over it and it was in very good working order; just no longer wanted by the owner. I asked for a photo and only one arrived as it was all he had. Normally this is not a problem; but the drive each way was 23 hours! I had to consider the cost of a motel and the fuel plus food (I eat a lot) so a bit of an extra expense.
I loved road trips as it was time well spent with my son and we made it a habit to take in some away football games and to catch up with friends. I decided to go for it and just as I expected this trip did not disappoint!
The paddock consisted of several "nice" cars. My son and I had just finished loading the Imp 111 when the owners daughter said "go to the Renault wagon in the paddock it is full of imp parts just take what you want". The photos are the result of this.
This car was 100% original matching number. Like many cars I find I do not choose to restore them. I find them,sell them on, and then supply the parts to the new owner for the restoration.
This Imp 111 still exists stored in a garage with many fine parts accumulated over time. I am still in regular contact with the owner. Someday it will lovingly be restored.
